We are experts in environmental policy ranging from water, conservation, transportation, energy, and climate objectives.
Program Funding & Campaigns
Played an integral role in the passage of Proposition 68 and managed a coalition of over 100 organizations for regional and statewide campaign activities.
Secured millions in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds (GGRF) for environmental priorities including but not limited to clean transportation, urban greening, low-income energy services, and healthy soils in the budget process each year.
Conservation Policy
Developed and passed AB 2087, that developed regional conservation investment strategies (RCIS) to help guide conservation efforts.
Formed and manages a Wildlife Corridor Working Group made up of NGOs, open space districts, and academic institutions to promote safe wildlife passage.
Drafted and negotiated the last two Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) reform efforts and participates in the OHV stakeholder group that will make recommendations about the OHV Commission to the Legislature.
Worked with Proposition 64 initiative drafters on the development of funding for resources conservation programs, including the development of a grant program.
Transportation & Energy Policy
Safeguarded the Low Carbon Fuel Standard from oil industry opposition.
Passed AB 2061, the Clean Truck Deployment Act, to promote the adoption of clean heavy-duty vehicles.
Protected the EV charging industry from anti-competitive legislative policies.
Passed AB 118 to establish at the Energy Commission a next generation fuels and technology grant program, as well as passed SB 1204 to establish at the Air Resources Board a next generation vehicle and equipment technology grant program.
State & Local Park Funding
Worked each year to ensure funding in the state budget for urban greening efforts throughout the state, and particularly in park-poor communities.
Developed the expenditure plans for local funding measures in Santa Cruz County, Los Angeles County, and Fresno.
Recycling, Toxics & Youth Development
EEC actively engaged in the design and passage of policies and funding to support local and statewide waste reduction priorities, including addressing specific issues related to the state’s Bottle Bill, after markets use and application of organic waste, and workforce opportunities for various waste materials.
Passed SB 258, the Cleaning Products Right to Know Act, to promote transparency to consumers surrounding the contents of products they purchase.
Water Policy & Ocean Policy
Passed SB 1363 and AB 2139, to help the state manage and reduce ocean acidification and hypoxia.
Drafted language and effectively ran a campaign to ban shark finning.
Successfully advocated for public funding sources to assist with the modification and removal of several dams throughout the state.
Climate Policy
Passed AB 1045, which encourages the recycling of organic waste and application of compost to reduce short-lived climate pollutants and sequester carbon.
Passed AB 1482, which helps establish climate adaptation policies to protect the state from the imminent impacts of climate change.
Passed SB 1383, the Super Pollutant Reduction Act, to reduce short-lived climate pollutant emissions from sources such as organic waste.